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serial_dev ◴[] No.41084786[source]
I work at a company that manages docs, chat, and tasks (amongst many others), we of course use our product internally. AI search (chatgpt-like, you ask a question, it answers) was added a while ago.

My experience has been that it really is a huge improvement, you don't need to guess which words were used to describe the issue, you just describe your issue, tell the system what you want, and the results are there. Chat's been busy and you remember an issue was raised in a thread a week ago? With traditional search, good luck finding it. Now, I just write "Tom raised this week an issue in this chat about something not working with reminders??" and the results are there.

Someone at the company uses it to manage Dungeons and Dragons play nights, they document their world, their plays, etc, he wrote probably a smaller book worth of content, then can ask AI what happened 4 months ago with a characters instead of trying to search.

replies(1): >>41086162 #
1. CaptainFever ◴[] No.41086162[source]
I wish something like that came to Discord. Their search is terrible and I could never find something if I didn't know the exact words, and the servers aren't indexed by external search engines either.