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412 points conanxin | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.206s | source
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mg ◴[] No.41085093[source]
The command line is still king.

Whenever I see new coders struggle, it usually is because they:

    - Don't know the context of what they are executing

    - Don't know about the concept of input and output
On the command line, the context is obvious. You are in the context. The working dir, the environment, everything is the same for you as it is for the thing you execute via ./mything.py.

Input and output are also obvious. Input is what you type, output is what you see. Using pipes to redirect it comes naturally.

Not being natively connected to context, input and output is often at the core of problems I see even senior programmers struggle with.

replies(16): >>41085138 #>>41085178 #>>41085239 #>>41085304 #>>41085362 #>>41085446 #>>41085493 #>>41085513 #>>41085614 #>>41085677 #>>41085897 #>>41086268 #>>41086743 #>>41086819 #>>41087168 #>>41097209 #
sandreas ◴[] No.41085239[source]
This. And it does not even exclude having a (T)UI. Modern terminal tools like neovim, lazygit, zellij, btop++ or yazi can do many things as window management, image previews and colors as well as having mouse support.
replies(1): >>41085793 #
galangalalgol ◴[] No.41085793[source]
Are there any good tools to be able to ssh into a machine and preview images or render markdown directly in line with the cli?
replies(2): >>41085902 #>>41090387 #
1. fragmede ◴[] No.41085902[source]
sixel support lets you display images to the command line, for terminal emulators that support it.