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torphedo ◴[] No.41084297[source]
Wow, this is the largest batchfile I've ever seen! And I thought my 200-ish line one from high school was pushing it. Honestly huge respect for having the dedication to go this far with batch. I knew about the pseudo-function-calling features and a little bit of the weird syntax, but just skimming there's a lot of stuff in here I haven't seen before. Usually people saying "X in Y KiB" are doing some crazy linker shenanigans, so this was refreshing.

Also, "Windows To Go" and "Windows To Stay" are really funny feature names.

replies(4): >>41084376 #>>41084508 #>>41084695 #>>41085137 #
Mogzol ◴[] No.41084695[source]
Speaking of large batch files, if anyone has ever softmodded a Wii, there is a good chance you used ModMii, which is by far the largest batch program I've seen. The main script [1] is a batch file that clocks in at over a megabyte. I used to be pretty into the Wii modding scene and remember talking with the author of that script about random batch things a few times. I can't imagine maintaining a file that big.

[1] https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/blob/master/Suppo...

replies(4): >>41084989 #>>41085606 #>>41085711 #>>41089905 #
1. sunaookami ◴[] No.41085711[source]
Don't forget that it even has a GUI made with Wizard's Apprentice which is created and controlled by a similar large batch file: https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/blob/master/Suppo... :D