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287 points jamesbvaughan | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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KolmogorovComp ◴[] No.41085009[source]
This begs the question, why buy oversized speakers of which you can only use 10% of the range instead of smaller speakers?

Is the sound quality better when not approaching to maximum volume?

replies(2): >>41085280 #>>41092776 #
poisonborz ◴[] No.41085280[source]
You can't buy quality sounding speakers without them being high powered.
replies(1): >>41085339 #
KolmogorovComp ◴[] No.41085339[source]
Do you mean physically, or as in there's no market for high-quality low-powered ones?
replies(1): >>41085698 #
1. poisonborz ◴[] No.41085698[source]
Both. To fill a larger room with enough balanced sound with all types of music implies enough headroom that most of the time it will be overpowered. Also everybody would take a mostly overpowered speaker over a sometimes underpowered one.

The "small quality speakers" category is filled by decent bluetooth speakers and a few pc/desktop 2.0 models.