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The New Internet

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teddyh ◴[] No.41084227[source]
The eternal problem with companies like Tailscale (and Cloudflare, Google, etc. etc.) is that, by solving a problem with the modern internet which the internet should have been designed to solve by itself, like simple end-to-end secure connectivity, Tailscale becomes incentivized to keep the problem. What the internet would need is something like IPv6 with automatic encryption via IPsec, with PKI provided by DNSSEC. But Tailscale has every incentive to prevent such things to be widely and compatibly implemented, because it would destroy their business. Their whole business depends on the problem persisting.

(Repost of <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38570370>)

replies(14): >>41084990 #>>41084996 #>>41085022 #>>41085061 #>>41085166 #>>41085236 #>>41085716 #>>41085987 #>>41086195 #>>41086648 #>>41087141 #>>41087359 #>>41089848 #>>41092877 #
throwaway211[dead post] ◴[] No.41085061[source]
smolder ◴[] No.41085153[source]
This is a poor analogy. Historically there is a significant cost to making bad cars with frequent repair needs.
replies(2): >>41085247 #>>41089117 #
1. sulandor ◴[] No.41085247[source]
this is a poor statement. the cost is not in dispute, but the bearer of it.

historically car owners need to pay for repairs.

replies(1): >>41085302 #
2. smolder ◴[] No.41085302[source]
Look at how the early 90s Ford Tempo resale value compared to Toyotas of the era. Trash cars don't keep their value. Toyota could then charge a premium because they were known for quality.
replies(1): >>41085734 #
3. throwaway290 ◴[] No.41085734[source]
is resale value what the manufacturer wants? I mean they want to sell new cars after all...
replies(2): >>41085907 #>>41085966 #
4. throw0101d ◴[] No.41085907{3}[source]
> is resale value what the manufacturer wants? I mean they want to sell new cars after all...

They have a higher resale value because they have a reputation of lasting a long time, and people are thus perhaps more willing to pay a higher initial purchase price because they know their "investment" will last longer.

And while they may not be planing to sell their car after only a few years, knowing that they'll get back more of their "investment" is also probably sitting in the back of their mind ('just in case').

5. _heimdall ◴[] No.41085966{3}[source]
Resale values do have an impact on new car prices. The better a vehicle holds its value the easier it is for the company to charge more for a new car.

Its also worth considering that, for better or worse, very few people actually own their cars today. When you have a loan on it the resale value becomes really important. If the manufacturer wants the kind of customer that buys a new car every few years they'll need resale value that at least keeps up with the principle on the loan over that time.