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287 points jamesbvaughan | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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radicality ◴[] No.41084224[source]
Seems like the author moved from a “speakers + networked amp” setup, to a one where with active speakers where everything is built-in.

When I was buying speakers for my apartment some time ago, I was similarly considering going for the all-in-one options like this, but I’m glad I didn’t. I prefer the “dumb passive speaker + networked amp”, as it allows you to pick / replace / upgrade the separate components. Went for the KEF LS50, and for the amp Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. And that’s despite KEF having the all-in-one active version of those speakers. Very happy with my choices!

replies(3): >>41084606 #>>41085244 #>>41085678 #
jamesbvaughan ◴[] No.41084606[source]
> Seems like the author moved from a “speakers + networked amp” setup, to a one where with active speakers where everything is built-in.

Close! I moved from a "speakers + non-networked amp + streamer" setup.

I'm still running separate components for nearer-field listening at my desk, where I've got KEF Q150s powered by a small Schiit pre-amp and amp.

replies(1): >>41085051 #
1. radicality ◴[] No.41085051[source]
Nice! I don't have any Schiit gear, but few months ago I started reading the founders book 'Schiit Happened'. I got halfway through (and then got distracted by other books, need to pick it back up), but can definitely recommend it for anyone interested in audio, and especially if you already have some Schiit!
replies(1): >>41086704 #
2. jamesbvaughan ◴[] No.41086704[source]
Oh cool, I wasn't aware of the book but I'll check it out.