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The New Internet

517 points ingve | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source
1. oefrha ◴[] No.41085048[source]
I’m confused by this New Internet talk. Tailscale is nice and all, but it gives you virtual private networks. To talk to anything you need to first be invited to that private network. It’s more like the New LAN, great for intranet and shit. But how am I supposed to build Internet apps intended for everyone if they need to be invited to my network first?

Not to mention most Internet services do need a central backend to function even if there are no barriers among clients at all (because the clients are completely unreliable), including even the textbook p2p example of file transfer: while direct p2p is nice in many cases, with a central service the recipient can receive at any time, instead of having to coordinate with the sender to both stay online simultaneously and for the duration of the transfer, which is quite difficult nowadays with most of the computing happening on phones.

replies(1): >>41115044 #
2. wmf ◴[] No.41115044[source]
Maybe there will eventually be an Intertailnet that connects all the tailnets together (in some secure, opt-in way of course).