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95 points gmays | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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from-nibly ◴[] No.41084584[source]
A reminder that taxes don't fund the government they curb inflation. The government funds itself by printing money and taking out loans.
replies(4): >>41084595 #>>41084780 #>>41084882 #>>41089588 #
1. vasco ◴[] No.41084882[source]
Interesting when textbook reply is downvoted.
replies(2): >>41085226 #>>41085632 #
2. hoppyhoppy2 ◴[] No.41085226[source]
>Please don't comment about the voting on comments. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading.


3. blitzar ◴[] No.41085632[source]
In economics many of the textbooks should be downvoted, especially if one takes their statements literally