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82 points mfiguiere | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.625s | source
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cgio ◴[] No.41084589[source]
This felt very shallow which may be because of the breadth of topics the authors tried to address. Data management has been building for years on the pillars of data quality, with a passion that is at times counterproductive (looking at you single ideal schema of truth) and I feel this failed to put enough emphasis on the gradual transition to new mechanics of trust as a counterweight to probabilistic answers. We are falling into the trap of imagining robotic brooms instead of vacuum cleaners. I don't see LLMs perfecting approaches with singular focus on precision but I do see them introducing new with focus on convenience (is that not what we are witnessing with evolution of search?)
replies(1): >>41084612 #
1. crooked-v ◴[] No.41084612[source]
> trust as a counterweight to probabilistic answers

The basic problem with that is that even with 5 9s of good results, that remainder still gets you very public cases of "put glue on your pizza". And we're not even at 5 9s yet.

replies(1): >>41085700 #
2. zcw100 ◴[] No.41085700[source]
People assume this is a completely absurd answer but there are times when it is correct to put glue on a pizza. The LLM picked this up because advertisers put glue on pizza to get that cheese pull shot. The next question is will LLMs ever develop enough understanding to distinguish these two cases. Personally I think LLMs will figure this out long before a bunch of ontologists stop bickering about it.
replies(2): >>41086513 #>>41086550 #
3. Obscurity4340 ◴[] No.41086513[source]
> when ontologists stop bickering about it

When does the LLM think that will happen, please ask it I'm curious

4. dartos ◴[] No.41086550[source]
Google’s AI pulled that answer almost word for word from a joke on Reddit.

Nothing about filming food commercials. Why white knight an undercooked product?