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287 points jamesbvaughan | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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possibleworlds ◴[] No.41084021[source]
Nice speakers! I'm guessing the model, if correct here are some spins for those interested https://www.erinsaudiocorner.com/loudspeakers/jbl_4329p/

Weird you can't limit digital output. I also listen mostly at low volumes and have the same issue. Part of the reason I chose Sonos is this is built in across all products, alongside an effective loudness toggle. This has been particularly helpful with some little Genelec 8010s I use as desktop speakers plugged into a Sonos Port.

replies(1): >>41084118 #
gregoryl ◴[] No.41084118[source]
How are you going with the new Sonos app upgrade?
replies(1): >>41084499 #
1. possibleworlds ◴[] No.41084499[source]
Perfectly fine, I actually prefer it in almost every way.

The only issue I agree is truly serious is the latest release draining battery on iOS with or without background activity disabled. That’s a real bad bug to introduce and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet.