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195 points _ol1s | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.423s | source
1. 4jck ◴[] No.41084490[source]
can I use this to install monitor drivers? make a bootable usb, add the installer onto the bootable usb and install the firmware? https://www.lg.com/au/support/product-support/cs-32GS95UE-B....

I thought about doing it through WINE, but that kinda scares me.

unfortunately my monitor received new firmware only installable through an exe, I only have my linux desktop

replies(4): >>41084519 #>>41084552 #>>41086971 #>>41091130 #
2. windozedev ◴[] No.41084519[source]
There's a few ways you could do it, but it's a windows command shell script and only works under windows.
3. zxexz ◴[] No.41084552[source]
My process for this is usually: - Poke at the EXE for a few hours to days. Sometimes it's just a self-extracting executable and you can just find the raw firmware binary. Sometimes you have to spend a few days relearning the basics of R2/Ghidra, and eventually can grab the firmware. - Then, if you've found it, figure out how to load it. When you think you have an idea, make sure it's really late and you're deliriously tired, so you're SURE you can do it without bricking it. Plus, where's the fun in not bricking it? You can always take that random Pomona SOIC knockoff clip and start dumping random ROMs off whatever chips. - Finally, if you were awake enough to not fall for the previous step - scrap all the work you've done, and commit to spending a while figuring out how to create a bootable windows USB. Or, if you can't get that to work for one of the many possible reasons, borrow a windows laptop. But you're probably too tired for that at this point anyway, so create a windows VM in QEMU, and repeatedly restart your machine as you mess with configs to get passthrough working for whatever you need to get the VM to connect to the device. Launch the utility, start the EXE - it starts working. Get so excited, you accidentally disconnect everything halfway through. Somehow the monitor seems to still work, but you swear there's just something not quite right about it. A few years later, take out the SOIC clip again. (based on an agglomeration of my personal mishaps)

In all likelihood, yes - this project will likely allow you to do that perfectly fine! But I'd be prepared for the installer to be total bloatware that doesn't work or works for most of the process before something goes wrong.

4. ChoGGi ◴[] No.41086971[source]
If you're okay with third party software, you can make a bootable usb to update firmware from.


5. aspenmayer ◴[] No.41091130[source]
Sometimes simple utilities like this are runnable under FreeDOS/MS-DOS booted from a USB flash drive and/or CD. Other times, you need Win32, and would use something like modern Hiren’s Boot CD, which is Windows 10 based iirc, unlike the original releases which were XP based iirc.