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elahieh ◴[] No.41084133[source]
Section header: "Who's data is it?"

Couldn't they have had an LLM proof-read they're paper?

replies(3): >>41084248 #>>41084339 #>>41084378 #
batch12 ◴[] No.41084339[source]
I've been seeing this a lot lately. Everywhere from screen printed signs to news tickers. I'm not sure if this is because it's new or if I'm just now seeing it.
replies(1): >>41084445 #
elahieh ◴[] No.41084445[source]
Yeah, call me snobby or OCD but I lost confidence in the authors and reviewers when I saw that slipped through.

Then I started wondering if this is going to become the new anti-AI marker. AI-written papers use "delves", "underscores" and "showcasing" too much. Avoid those words, throw in some errors and readers will think your paper was written by humans.

replies(3): >>41084453 #>>41085045 #>>41096457 #
kolinko ◴[] No.41084453[source]
As for authors - perhaps english is their second language? Regular spellcheckers don’t check grammar well enough.
replies(1): >>41084467 #
1. rjurney ◴[] No.41084467{3}[source]
You fucks, I just learned about this. I feel so stupid!