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287 points jamesbvaughan | 8 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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laurencei ◴[] No.41083968[source]
Hey OP - if your thinking about a smart knob with haptic feedback etc - check this open source project out that you can build yourself - its amazing:


Video demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip641WmY4pA&t=1s

replies(4): >>41083995 #>>41084269 #>>41084367 #>>41085179 #
1. taneq ◴[] No.41084269[source]
Oh man, this has been on my to-build list for ages, right up there with the 6 axis “3D mouse” build. I love the attention to detail.
replies(1): >>41087897 #
2. stavros ◴[] No.41087897[source]
I made a SpaceMouse the other day, it was really easy, mostly just the print. It took around an hour to assemble everything, I think? It also worked very well.
replies(1): >>41088473 #
3. RobotCaleb ◴[] No.41088473[source]
Which one did you make?
replies(1): >>41088590 #
4. stavros ◴[] No.41088590{3}[source]
This one is my make:


replies(2): >>41090839 #>>41092828 #
5. RobotCaleb ◴[] No.41090839{4}[source]
Very cool. Thank you!
replies(1): >>41091993 #
6. stavros ◴[] No.41091993{5}[source]
You're welcome! It's a really cool project, and fairly easy.
7. taneq ◴[] No.41092828{4}[source]
Ah right, the one I was thinking of was this one which seems like a bit more work... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHBgNGnTiK4

Yours looks great too, though, and it seems a lot more accessible than the fancy one. :)

replies(1): >>41092837 #
8. stavros ◴[] No.41092837{5}[source]
Ah yeah, that's much more work and I don't think it uses the official driver, which does a lot of the heavy lifting. I think maybe start with the other one and see how you like it, since it's mostly a few minutes of soldering.