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274 points alexmolas | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.813s | source
1. pxx ◴[] No.41084194[source]
if you're wondering why you see a weird ⌍ symbol from time to time on the demo, it's a "small 7" because the watch ties the top and bottom segments of the first and third digits (segments A and D) together.


it's really amazing how much efficiency they packed in this display. in normal use, these digits only need to display the numbers 0-5 [for the first digit, the clock only needs 0, 1, 2, but the chronometer goes up to 59:59.99], none of which need to distinguish between those segments. technically I guess the chronometer could have gone up to 69:59.99 without breaking anything though, but I guess "one hour" is sufficient? the numbers 8 and 9 also illuminate both the top and bottom segment, so it's only 7 that is an issue.

replies(1): >>41084873 #
2. slim ◴[] No.41084873[source]
oddly specific objects is working on a advanced replacement lcd
replies(1): >>41089188 #
3. 8organicbits ◴[] No.41089188[source]
I think that's this one:


replies(1): >>41089752 #
4. matheusmoreira ◴[] No.41089752{3}[source]
No, that's another LCD meant for arduino boards. It's not compatible with the watch.

GP was referring to the fact Joey Castillo has posted pictures of a custom F-91W LCD in the discord channels. It has more icons and segments, and it can address all of them independently. It's a better, more readable, less limited display. I don't think it's available for purchase yet but hopefully it will be soon.