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287 points jamesbvaughan | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.2s | source
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ly ◴[] No.41084153[source]
I think the article incorrectly states that KEF is owned by Harman, I can only find evidence on the contrary.
replies(1): >>41084171 #
1. jamesbvaughan ◴[] No.41084171[source]
It seems that you’re correct! I’m not sure what led me to believe that. I’ll update the post when I get home later.

edit: fixed

I dug into the API similarities between the speakers more and it seems like they're both using this software called StreamSDK [1]. I hadn't heard of that and it's given me more to research on these.

[1] https://www.streamunlimited.com/stream-sdk/