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287 points jamesbvaughan | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.618s | source
1. xyst ◴[] No.41083506[source]
Why do speakers even expose a web api in the first place? It’s just easily available without any security?

Hope this person segmented this device away from other devices. The lack of basic security in the IoT space is astounding to me.

replies(3): >>41083589 #>>41083868 #>>41084691 #
2. jamesbvaughan ◴[] No.41083589[source]
It is concerning. On this particular model, it's available over plain HTTP, provides no auth settings, and provides an easy input for uploading new firmware.


3. giraffe_lady ◴[] No.41083868[source]
“The S in IoT stands for secure.”
4. denysvitali ◴[] No.41084691[source]
I was looking for this comment. Basically he managed to get a sort of unauthenticated R/W access to the file system.

This is really concerning