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The New Internet

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figassis ◴[] No.41083146[source]
I love Tailscale, but this post gives me the creeps. The internet succeeded because it was built on standards and was completely free. With Tailscale, I get wireguard is open source and we have things like Headscale. But the whole everyone gets an IP, doesn’t it depend on Tailscale owning a massive ip address space? We can all wait until full ipv6 rollout, or we can depend on centralized ipv4, and servers and proprietary stuff. Maybe a bit hypocritical?
replies(4): >>41083199 #>>41083232 #>>41084277 #>>41085916 #
jgalt212 ◴[] No.41083232[source]
If you had to move off of tailscale, what would you move to?
replies(5): >>41083267 #>>41083346 #>>41084219 #>>41087337 #>>41090485 #
1. Fnoord ◴[] No.41083346[source]
I use WireGuard. As you add more keypairs, it becomes a bit of a nightmare to maintain, though Vim with syntax highlighting helps a lot.

Because of this, I'll be switching to Headscale + Tailscale.

replies(1): >>41092327 #
2. chgs ◴[] No.41092327[source]
It depends on your use case. I use wg back to two geographically independent locations, keys are managed via our ipam.

I don’t need EW traffic over the VPN, very NS based. Something like Headscale or another SDWan solution (automatically establishing vpn routes) would make sense if I needed to transport a lot of traffic E-W, that’s just not a requirement