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276 points samwillis | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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hoherd ◴[] No.41081523[source]
Here's another really interesting exploration of color spaces https://ericportis.com/posts/2024/okay-color-spaces/
replies(1): >>41082876 #
kurthr ◴[] No.41082876[source]
I prefer this. The failure to discus Lab and OKLab in the main link is quite odd.

Also, I'd mention to those who think that violet/magenta aren't "real" colors that the red X decays more slowly than the blue Z at short wavelengths so you can get saturated violet/magenta single wavelength colors (not well represented on the standard chroma charts) below 400nm at high power. Of course they aren't efficient for monitors (even blue isn't) and they're dangerous to look at for any length of time. But if you see a (single wavelength) violet/magenta laser, it's time to look away or shut your eyes.

replies(1): >>41083042 #
1. jlongster ◴[] No.41083042[source]
Yeah that article is better. I'm the author and I wrote this only for me as I studied it, it's not great as a way to describe it to others

I wanted to start from the very beginning and as far as I know Lab and OKLab didn't come later. Studying the 1931 studies and such was a start, and I wanted to later bring up all the other things we've learned since then, but haven't had time to write more about it

replies(1): >>41102490 #
2. kurthr ◴[] No.41102490[source]
I appreciate this color to your article. My background (3rd/4th career) was developing tests and compensation algorithms for visible defects in consumer displays. It was a real learning experience and trying to understand the many ways that people try to control the display of and quantify image color was daunting. Also amazing, both what trained people CAN see, and what most people CAN'T.
replies(1): >>41108584 #
3. PaulHoule ◴[] No.41108584[source]
And techniques for helping people see. I am working to get a shade of yellow right that tends to turn orange in my toolchain. The best method I've developed is to compare several prints and colors on the screen to the actual object.

It's hard to tell how exact a particular shade of yellow is, but if you have several shades the correct one stands out immediately.