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creshal ◴[] No.40207773[source]
But they already ship pkexec together with systemd anyway via polkit, why are they again reinventing a wheel they already reinvented?

Unit files are a neat concept I don't want to miss again, but everything else done by Lennart seems to be an inceasingly stupid mistake born from hubris.

replies(5): >>40207817 #>>40207838 #>>40207901 #>>40207944 #>>40215561 #
1. roenxi ◴[] No.40207817[source]
AFAIK privileges are an area that has an easy problem statement ("execute this command with that capability") and is fiendishly difficult to execute in practice. `sudo` alone has weird bits to set in the filesystem, magic users and all sorts of unhelpful implications - and it doesn't even lead to any particular security for single-user systems. Same-user code is a scary enough place to be running untrusted code.

Those sort of problems sound like the sort that get a lot of attempts which run into the complexity wall and halt. I think Amazon has one of the best implementations of a privilege system I've used and it is horrible.