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  • jasonjmcghee(3)

182 points jasonjmcghee | 17 comments | | HN request time: 1.008s | source | bottom
1. lbindreiter ◴[] No.43104486[source]
What tool were those tree structure Illustrations created with? They look really nice!
replies(4): >>43104534 #>>43104567 #>>43105277 #>>43105958 #
2. ◴[] No.43104534[source]
3. jasonjmcghee ◴[] No.43104567[source]
Not the author, but looks similar to excalidraw.
4. b0in ◴[] No.43105277[source]
this looks like with a custom font. edit: nope, i'm wrong, its excalidraw but the effect is almost identical in
5. p-hk ◴[] No.43105958[source]
Thanks! I used and tweaked a number of the display properties to make it look more like Excalidraw.
replies(2): >>43116065 #>>43117030 #
6. neonsunset ◴[] No.43106376[source]
If you like radix trees, you may also find this article interesting and useful:
7. bjoli ◴[] No.43107400[source]
I always wanted a comparison to ropes. Every time I see ropes mentioned I always think "why not use RRB trees?". It seems like less housekeeping, but with all the benefits.
replies(1): >>43109653 #
8. rtheunissen ◴[] No.43107563[source]
I would love to add a good RRB implementation to the persistent benchmarks at [1] to get a state-of-the-art comparison between RRB and BST in a persistent context. Duration, of course, but also number of bytes copied etc.

replies(3): >>43107846 #>>43108214 #>>43108884 #
9. p-hk ◴[] No.43107846[source]
I can't vouch for them, but there are Clojure[1] and C[2] implementations you might consider.



replies(1): >>43111399 #
10. reitzensteinm ◴[] No.43108214[source]
This guide is absolutely fantastic, thank you! You should post it if it hasn't been.
replies(1): >>43109063 #
11. baruchthescribe ◴[] No.43108884[source]
Thanks for this resource!
12. jasonjmcghee ◴[] No.43109063{3}[source]
It has, and a pretty good discussion:
13. bruce343434 ◴[] No.43109653[source]
Let T[] denote "dynamic array of T": rope = string[] = char[][].

As I understand it, usually each line of text is in its own memory buffer.

14. prospero ◴[] No.43111399{3}[source]
Here’s one in Java:
15. anentropic ◴[] No.43116065{3}[source]
I love the styling of this blog post generally too - simple, attractive and pleasant to read - kudos
16. dlisboa ◴[] No.43117030{3}[source]
Did you do them by hand or use some algorithmic way to construct them?