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honestSysAdmin[dead post] ◴[] No.42902306[source]
1. JumpCrisscross ◴[] No.42903457[source]
> Trump just pardoned the violent attackers of Jan6

He let violent criminals out of jail. Unsurprisingly, they’re going on to commit crime. It’s wild how similarly the far left and right act when they’re given power; in an alternate universe, Chesa Boudin is pardoning them because abolish prisons or whatever.

replies(3): >>42903630 #>>42903632 #>>42917058 #
2. Facemelters ◴[] No.42903630[source]
crime went up after they removed chesa, mr. fact check
replies(1): >>42904385 #
3. ◴[] No.42903632[source]
4. unethical_ban ◴[] No.42903657{4}[source]
You intentionally dodged the question.

Edit: For reference, the above user edited their comment to include a question that was not present prior, then suggested I was ignoring their prompt.

They are acting in bad faith.

replies(1): >>42903689 #
5. honestSysAdmin ◴[] No.42903689{5}[source]
I asked for specific examples of what your concern is. You have still not presented a question of any substance.
6. cassepipe ◴[] No.42904165{4}[source]
This is not how HN works. There are guidelines and if you fail them you get downvoted or flagged. The moderation is mostly decentralized.

By the way:

> Don't be snarky.

> Please don't post comments saying that HN is turning into Reddit. It's a semi-noob illusion, as old as the hills.

So while it seems that I am ideologically much more aligned with you, I am still annoyed by the unecessary irony and uninteresting comment about whatever you think HN is/has become.

replies(1): >>42909290 #
7. JumpCrisscross ◴[] No.42904385{3}[source]
> crime went up after they removed chesa

Crime is too macro for an individual DA to have an effect. Chesa wasn't responsible for any increase or decrease, during his time nor after. Same for Trump's J6ers. They're not going to move the needle. Instead, mine is a micro argument: there are specific, preventable crimes one can trace to each of their actions. And those actions are remarkably similar in practical effect once you wipe away the dressing.

8. unethical_ban ◴[] No.42909290{5}[source]
Sometimes, bad actors should not be allowed on the site.
replies(1): >>42909508 #
9. cassepipe ◴[] No.42909508{6}[source]
Not allowed by whom ? On what criteria will you recognize bad actors ? It's not that I don't agree with the sentiment but moderation is a complex problem that has side effects (censorhip). It's like you are saying "There shouldn't be any homeless people", I agree but what is the exact solution ?

So I guess my question to you is what do you think is not working in the current system ? I am arguing that it's working fine: The half crazy person's comments are so faint I can't even read them, or [dead]

replies(1): >>42909624 #
10. unethical_ban ◴[] No.42909624{7}[source]
Not allowed by us, we, the community that doesn't trade in bad faith argument.

You have a point that the downvotes and flags do their work. That's pretty much banning. After they call a few more people homophobic slurs or insult their families, they'll probably be shadowbanned.

>On what criteria will you recognize bad actors?

Constant dodging of questions, shifting goalposts with aggressive language, personal insults, and so on. Signalled by being repeatedly downvoted or flagged for such behavior.

We're probably on a similar page, but I am slightly less concerned with censorship. Three week old accounts that have done little but troll have less "plot armor" than established accounts.

11. dang ◴[] No.42912040{11}[source]
Could you please not perpetuate flamewars here? It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

I'm not going to ban you because it doesn't look like you've been doing this routinely, but you broke the site guidelines badly in this thread, and it has been a problem in the past (e.g.

If you'd please review and stick to the rules when posting here, we'd appreciate it.

replies(1): >>42912931 #
12. dang ◴[] No.42912047{12}[source]
We've banned this account for repeatedly breaking the site guidelines. Please don't create accounts to do that with.

13. unethical_ban ◴[] No.42912931{12}[source]
I know I got baited. That's why my comments got shorter and shorter once I was accused of fundamental hatred. I don't start a fight, but I'll finish it. As always, I appreciate your moderation even if I'm not always on the right side of it.

I don't tend to back down when there is someone trying to destroy what this site is. Trolls are the worst.

Hey, once a year isn't so bad.

replies(1): >>42913082 #
14. dredmorbius ◴[] No.42913082{13}[source]
Many fights are best finished by withdrawing.

(It's difficult, I know, and I struggle with that myself. HN's "collapse thread" feature (the [-] on the comment link) is useful should conscious effort prove frail.)

15. aredox ◴[] No.42917058[source]
Spare us your bothsidism: Trump released political terrorists with a clear idea to give them a chance to do it again. Chesa Boudin pardoned criminals with the clear idea to give them a chance to start a new life.