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    CDC data are disappearing

    749 points doener | 12 comments | | HN request time: 1.144s | source | bottom
    1. bandrami ◴[] No.42898374[source]
    > I think we can all agree that depending on which administration is in charge, "Government Science" is anything but unbiased.

    Nope, but you've just made it clear you're susceptible to propaganda.

    replies(1): >>42898411 #
    2. beardyw ◴[] No.42898399[source]
    No, this is censorship at work. Call it what it is.
    replies(2): >>42898415 #>>42898426 #
    3. linuxftw ◴[] No.42898411[source]
    Will you trust the 'science' that is performed via the CDC under the Trump administration? Did you trust the 'science' performed under past administrations?

    Now, imagine someone holding the reverse position. Who's right? Which government institutions do you find generally trustworthy, and which do you find generally untrustworthy? Has this changed from administration to administration? Do you think your ideological viewpoint has influenced your opinions?

    Edit: None of the responders answered my questions. Its impossible for most people to admit political bias, as evidenced here.

    replies(4): >>42898472 #>>42898490 #>>42898550 #>>42898591 #
    4. linuxftw ◴[] No.42898426[source]
    I disagree. This is the government deciding what the government will or won't take a position on.

    Censorship was having federal government employees scream and yell at facebook content moderation teams to remove social media posts.

    replies(3): >>42898508 #>>42898509 #>>42898535 #
    5. jmward01 ◴[] No.42898472{3}[source]
    These types of false equivalence arguments need to go away. Under Trump norms of career civil servants loyal to doing a good job for the country is being shattered. Institutions that we could trust to be resistant politics are now being weaponized. I would have trusted the CDC under every administration except this one. This administration is demonstrably different.
    6. throw0101a ◴[] No.42898489{3}[source]
    > Like when Biden administration pressured social media to censor information which turned out to be true?

    Did the Biden administration go into the offices of social media companies and purge the posts/data?

    Every administration pushes back / pressures entities about messages that they think is wrong. Every administration has a message and story that it wants told. It's what press offices are for, for example. Remember, in 2017, when White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump's inauguration had the largest crowd's in history of inaugurations?


    But this is about purging raw data that is used for analysis, and not a particular story. (The data can be used to support or debunk a particular message of course.)

    7. ◴[] No.42898490{3}[source]
    8. 9283409232 ◴[] No.42898508{3}[source]
    The government can decide that but going back and scrubbing data taxpayers already funded is unacceptable. It draws comparisons to book burning.
    9. RajT88 ◴[] No.42898509{3}[source]
    I get why they did it, but agree that flies in the face of how the first amendment is viewed by SCOTUS.

    The sad thing is, there is precedent how the government could handle the situation. You still cannot say "shit" on broadcast TV.

    10. pavl- ◴[] No.42898535{3}[source]
    To you "screaming and yelling" at a private company that still retains agency over it's content moderation is government censorship, but the government's direct censoring of information is not? Partisan politics has a neat way of twisting one's brain up like a pretzel.
    11. throwworhtthrow ◴[] No.42898550{3}[source]
    I guess the reason you're fine with the ideological purge that's happening now is because you mistakenly believe the bureaucracies were always operating in ideological lockstep with the current administration. I suddenly pity you for the fear and distrust you must carry at all times for things you don't understand.
    12. pera ◴[] No.42898591{3}[source]
    Bizarre argument considering that the only people who did not "trust science" (and the CDC in particular) during the previous Trump administration were Trumpists themselves.