5 points josephcsible | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.628s | source
1. bigfatkitten ◴[] No.42314348[source]
Just about every machine sold by a major OEM in the last 9-10 years has TPM 2.0 capability.

Are there any major exceptions to this, other than desktop motherboards from the Taiwanese OEMs (Asus, Gigabyte et al) who rarely bothered even when Microsoft put the writing on the wall around 2016?

2. mouse_ ◴[] No.42314350[source]
Nobody bypassing this is "negotiating" lol
3. jdboyd ◴[] No.42315418[source]
What really grinds my gears is the amount of systems with TPM 2.0 that they won't support, such as many Skylake and Kaby Lake (Dell and HP Core Ix-6xxx and Core Ix-7xxx systems, as well as Broadwell Xeon E5 v4 systems) even if TPM 2.0 is present. Pinning requirements to specific features is fine, but this arbitrary cutoff of CPUs without feature differences is just so infuriating.