Show HN: Email Inbox for Bots

21 points itsskiseason | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.844s | source | bottom
1. Jet_Xu ◴[] No.42233952[source]
Is that possible this bot could understand and remember all my history emails, and then conduct Agentic RAG before helping on reply?
2. ndjdjddjsjj ◴[] No.42234644[source]
That would be useful for the drab use case of end to end testing. Every team had probably half arsed a test that needs to check an email inbox via smtp.
replies(1): >>42263231 #
3. savy91 ◴[] No.42234827[source]
I have been using them for a little more than a year to add email capability to bots:

What would be the advantage of switching over?

4. throwawayaghas1 ◴[] No.42242832[source]
How well do you parse out message bodies for every email provider out there? I spent quite a long time making sure my bot can handle different email services and ensuring it’s getting the message body without all the other unnecessary text.
5. nbbaier ◴[] No.42247562[source]
You could also build something like this with in with their email handler[0]!


6. tdeck ◴[] No.42263231[source]
I used to use for that purpose and it worked fairly well. IIRC they even had a long-lived Keep-Alive endpoint where you would make a GET request and it would sit and wait for up to a few minutes until a message arrived.