You look at the code and see that there's an auth check in place, you test the code to verify that the auth check has no bugs, you make sure that information is never shared with people who don't have authorization to access it, and yet it turns out it can be accessed as if there was no auth check at all.
To make matters worse, everything can be fine for some time, and then some clever optimization in the CPU, the compiler, cache layer or the database engine introduces a completely unexpected side channel.
Timing attacks are already dealing with "noisy" data, task scheduling et al, so they all boil down to some level of statistical analysis on the response times. Adding noise to that slows you down, but the underlying bias on the timings is still there.
> Finally, yes I do recommend using constant-time functions when comparing user input with secret keys. Just ask anyone who says this is an actual threat to provide a proof of concept.
Just add a macro to a function and it'll keep track of how long past executions took to execute and add artificial delays to ensure all subsequent executions are at least that long. If they're longer, extend the minimum time by 2x.
Perhaps apply an AIMD algorithm to it? Though there's still room for exploitation there, it'd just take a lot longer to find. Just letting the programmer specify the minimum time might be better in practice.
1) get username and password from user
2) check if username exists and if not, return error
3) if username exists, look up hashed password from db
4) hash potential password
5) compare actual and potential password. if same, generate token and return. else, return error
As you can imagine, we live in a universe with physical laws so steps 3-5 took time. That meant that you could blast login requests with any username and a known-bad password and compare the times it took to return the bad login error. If it was relatively quick, the username was bad. If it took longer than average, the username was good and the password was bad. Combine this with the freely available lists of common usernames and common passwords and one could start with nothing but the address of the login page and walk away with valid cred pairs. We ended up doing ip-based lockout after 10 failed login attempts and adding a random delay of 100-400ms before erroring out on a bad username.