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{{whatever_it_was_called}} {{src_ip_or_host[:src_port]}} {{dest_ip_or_host_or_network}}:{{dest_port}} [service_or_user_privileged_membership_group]
It walks every hop and identifies any misconfiguration.Sadly, sysadmin and netadmin tools, responsibilities, and skills are withering trades that have been subsumed or ignored in the modern SWE/SRE enterprise almost as afterthoughts.
Btw, I'm wondering if OFED and/or DPDK are also still used, and if they're still used for fast packet pushing.
Some examples, (Broadcom) Vmware NSX-T gateways, Alivaba used to use it, and a lot of extreme HFT use it too, mostly to reduce latency and manipulate tcp.
OFED is less of a thing now because most of the work has gone upstream, both into the kernel and into the rdma-core userland.
Also worth mentioning that MLNX_OFED (sometimes called MOFED) is now being transitioned into DOCA-Host. This is mostly because of that aforementioned upstreaming and the move towards more SmartNIC stuff (ala Bluefield) being the focus as core RDMA support is mostly provided by upstream.
"when you let it run through some wireguard vpn, the information is a lot more limited." The support for such complex networks is not very good at this stage, but improvements are expected in future versions.