I don't think you're gonna get useful answers here. I would imagine it really depends on who you're pitching to, and how you're pitching. Lets say in aggregate 1% of people get an investment from cold calling. That doesn't imply you have 1% chance. Your pitch could suck so your chances are 0%, or you could be Elon Musk and you have a 100% chance. But the fact of the matter is that you don't know what your chances are. So the only way to find out is to try and see how it goes.
(I don't remember where this idea came from, but it was either from a PG essay or something put out by YC.)
Another thing is that one founder's route to success looks very different based on the strengths and weaknesses of that founder. You can't follow the lead of another founder. You have to play to your own strengths. If you think its a good idea, do it.
Point is, just do it. Start calling people. You'll learn way more than asking other people about it.