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95 points gmays | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.84s | source | bottom
1. baq ◴[] No.41084939[source]
If you’re paying taxes, you’re already winning. Is not paying taxes a matter of principle of some sort?
replies(2): >>41085159 #>>41085186 #
2. bilbo0s ◴[] No.41085083[source]
Not gonna tell you how to live your life.

However, as a general rule for others who may find themselves in similar situations. I’d advise that if one is already on the IRS radar in this fashion, s/he probably ought to refrain from posting on law enforcement accessible websites about the ways you’re getting over on the IRS. Restrain the proclivity we’ve all developed in the age of social media towards a ‘look at me’ mentality.

replies(1): >>41085221 #
3. matheusmoreira ◴[] No.41085159[source]
> Is not paying taxes a matter of principle of some sort?

Yes. Some countries have governments so irredeemably corrupt you come to regard taxes as equivalent to robbery. Worse than robbery: at least robbers don't make you provide a detailed accounting of the tributes they demand from you at gunpoint.

replies(1): >>41090508 #
4. crngefest ◴[] No.41085186[source]
Not paying taxes is one of the strongest human instincts
replies(1): >>41086432 #
5. ffgjgf1 ◴[] No.41085221[source]
Aren’t they just saying that they effectively they ended up paying what they owed earlier than they would have otherwise.

That Doesn’t sound like “getting over on the IRS”

6. ngetchell ◴[] No.41086432{3}[source]
For a child maybe. Adults should be able to take a breath and see the services they depend on and how taxes pay for them.
7. archagon ◴[] No.41090508{3}[source]
Sounds like you should move!