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41 points bookofjoe | 13 comments | | HN request time: 0.861s | source | bottom
1. bookofjoe ◴[] No.40217099[source]
2. ◴[] No.40217192[source]
3. mtmail ◴[] No.40217218[source]
The whole article is only 4 sentences "[Apple] un-banned them this month without much explanation". The sub-headline suggests "antitrust crackdowns", is that the European Digital Markets Act?
replies(1): >>40218623 #
4. diggernet ◴[] No.40217220[source]
> That app, Delta, lets you play old-school video games like “Super Mario Bros.” on an iPhone.
replies(1): >>40217349 #
5. leptons ◴[] No.40217228[source]
It's about time. Slowly the iOS platform might even become something I want to use.
6. ◴[] No.40217290[source]
7. ◴[] No.40217349[source]
8. gnabgib ◴[] No.40217365[source]
Related Delta takes flight: Apple-approved Nintendo emulator is a great iOS option [0](22 points, 6 days ago)


9. vondur ◴[] No.40217459[source]
I thought they were afraid of Nintendo's lawyers?
replies(1): >>40218947 #
10. abaymado ◴[] No.40218623[source]
I kept scrolling up and down, thinking I missed something.
11. burnerthrow008 ◴[] No.40218947[source]
I would imagine that it is easier to be unafraid of someone else's lawyers when you can say "the government made me do it".
12. postepowanieadm ◴[] No.40220263[source]
This "article" are 3 thin paragraphs, paywalled and full of ads.